Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 18- got a little wet under ACE, scab flaking off a bit

I have been noticing more and more pieces of the scab coming off as I sleep. Today it also oozed a little around the edge. Does not hurt and not as red as usual.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 16/17- doing better

These days were just about the same as well. (or did I just forget to take a picture one of these days?! You may never know. lol. Off work these two days so it isn't as red as it could be but still a little redness seen. A couple more little pieces of white scab flaked off. Not hurting as much as it had been but STILL ITCHING! I know I can use Benadryl for the itching but I don't wanna get sleepy :)

Day 15- hurting like pins and needles.

Aggravated under my work boot yet again. It is VERY dry and tight today. i ended up putting some lotion around the outer edge of it. A pins and needles sensation with continuous itching is soooooo frustrating when I can't scratch it! It looks bad in this pic b/c it had been wrapped up under he boot all day and I had just taken it off. Always red after that.

Day 14- Some of the white came off.

A little bit of the white scab flaked off last night. Not much. The redness is really going down as it dries up really good. I apologize for the gross leg hair that I couldn't shave popping out in the pic, lol. I'll just say i'm french. Tomorrow will be the half way point!!!

Day 12/13- ABout the same both days

These two days wee great. Both were about the same so I didn't torcher you with two identical pictures. lol. Kept the wrap off for both days, Just put the regular ACE on it at night as usual so I didn't do any harm in my sleep.   :o)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 11- Nothing special :)

Some of the white scab is flaking off today. Bleeding a little around the edges occasionally because the skin is so tight!! My friend got two tat's done with this today, remembering exactly how far i have actually come!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 10- Lookin' Good!

Went and let the artist check out my progress today! I have left it unwrapped all day so it can get nice and dry! She said it was looking great and was happy to see the white scab still on there!!! 10 days down, 20 days to go!!

Day 9- Under my boot at work again

I feel horrible having to shove this in a boot every third day! It always looks bad on my work days! I try to keep it outside of my boot as much as possible! A little red and irritated today but still have the white scab which is a good sign!!

Day 8- Feeling a little better

I woke up with it very sore and irritated. I decided (even though I'm not supposed to put anything on it) to smear something on it so it wouldn't hurt under my work boot.
I took a little aloe gel w/50% DMSO added and a drop of thieves oil. This took the pain away in a matter of seconds. The entire day it felt alot better!! The swelling also went down and redness is isolated exclusively to the tattoo area. I had just been wrapping an ACE bandage over it w/o the non stick gauze, but the last couple days it oozed a little ink which kinda stuck to my wrap, SO I'll be going back to the gauze!! Lol. Always an adventure. Im excited with the progress though!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 7- Still aching from theme park adventure :)

Ok, it's been exactly a week. Today my tattoo is very sore, hot to touch, red and irritated.  My entire ankle below it is huge!!! Im pretty sure this is from getting it wet from the dirty theme park water yesterday. It needs some TLC!

Day 6- Wet at theme park

I put my ACE on before going to a theme park today. It got wet on a water ride and the bandage was left on over top of it while wet a little longer than I think I should have. It is now very sore. I ended up taking the wrap off and letting it dry out in the sun. Much more red and sore as has been previously. Just put a gauze pad on it before bed this time.

Day 5

Under my boot again at work. It's getting to dry it was uncomfortable today. When I turned it felt like the scab was being tugged on. A little more red around the edges. Sore to touch today.

Day 4- wet in shower

First time I can get water on it. NOT soak it by any means, but a quick tickle of water over it n the shower actually felt kind of good. The instructions stated to "pat dry" immediately after water exposure, as I did. I left the bandage off of it for awhile after shower to allow to completely dry. Sorry for the poor picture, I had forgotten to take a picture of it before and just pulled the wrap down a little bit so you can at least see it!

Day 3

I am working today, so this is actually under my 8in zip up work boot. I still have it covered w/the gauze pad and ace wrap. Still have kept it dry. Starting to get a little red around edges and crust up nicely.

Day 2

I found that keeping a non-stick bandage held on my ace wrap most effective. I take it off occasionally to make sure it's nt moist. If I was going to be sweating, I would probably just loosely tape the non stick over top, tented in the middle. I didn't take the bandage off much to take a picture today, but it looks the same as yesterday, just with the goo dried. Not very sore as I would have expected.

Day 1- Ready to get this off my leg.

I've been looking a long time at all my options of tattoo removal. From just covering it up, to laser removal, "Wrecking Balm", etc. None of those appealed to me. Either it was too expensive, too painful, took too long, or I couldn't find anything I wanted that would look normal on top of it. UNTIL, a friend of mine had this done.
I had never heard of Rejuvi, but I was sold just by doing some research on the success other people had experienced with it.
What it is, is a substance that is tattooed INTO your existing tattoo, and over a period of 30 days or so, drawls out the ink in your skin. Ofcourse it really depends on the depth of tattoo, color, location, age, etc on how many treatments you will need. Mine is a solid color on my ankle where it is not very deep at all, and the lady doing it told me that is what she has had the best success with.
I made my appt to have it done, it took about 45 minutes from time in door to completed. It cost about 10 more dollars than the original tattoo. The chemical looked like birdie poo, lol, and burned a little more than a normal tattoo (in my opinion, maybe im just a wuss). She did offer me numbing prior to starting but I declined. If done over again, I may have gone ahead with the numbing.
Below are Pictures of the tattoo prior to the treatment and right after it.
She gave me an instruction sheet on aftercare, whice is the exact OPPOSITE of a regular tattoo. Keep it exclusively dry for the first 3 days, after that limit water exposure. A scab is what you want to create and keep as long as possible. The longer the scab stays on ,the more ink it pulls out. After the scab comes off in 14-25 days then you can apply the "Soothing H Cream" given to you.